What are “Uncharted Rums”? These are rums I have not yet had the pleasure of reviewing. This is my way to highlight and promote great rums from around the world that might be unfamiliar to most rum shoppers. So until I am able to review each of these rums they shall remain “Uncharted” to me.

We aren’t doing anything different, just better. – Jersey Artisan Distilling
Today’s uncharted rum comes from New Jersey’s first licensed, post-Prohibition distillery, Jersey Artisan Distilling. Based in Fairfield, New Jersey, they produce Busted Barrel Dark Rum and Busted Barrel Silver Rum. They released their first batch of artisan rum back in 2013.
Busted Barrel is produced from high-quality Louisiana molasses and other all-natural, domestically grown ingredients. Their custom-made copper stills create small-batches of artisan rum.
Busted Barrel Silver Rum an unaged rum that is carbon filtered giving it a crystal clear appearance and smooth taste.
Busted Barrel Dark Rum is aged in charred, white American oak barrels for approximately three months with a handful of vanilla beans.
Both Busted Barrel Rums are bottled at 40% ABV (80 proof). Silver’s MSRP $24/750ml; Dark’s MSRP $34.99/750ml.
Jersey Girl Mojito1.5 oz Busted Barrel Silver Rum Muddle together the strawberries and the Blueberries. Add the Busted Barrel Silver Rum, the mint or basil leaves, the sugar and lime juice. Muddle again until briefly. Pour into a tall Collins glass over ice and top with club soda. Garnish with a wedge of lime. |
Busted Cherry2 shots Busted Barrel Dark Rum Gently smash the cherries in the bottom of a Tall Collins Glass. add ice to the glass. Pour all other ingredients into the glass. Stir until well mixd. Garnish with a fresh or maraschino cherries. |
Jersey Artistan Distilling
Where to buy?: http://www.jerseyartisandistilling.com/#!where/c19j8
Website: http://www.jerseyartisandistilling.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JerseyArtisanDistilling
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JerseyRum
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jerseyrum